1. Which of the following requires a device driver?
- Register
- Keyboard
2. The performance of a pipelined processor suffers if
- The pipeline stages have different relays
- Consecutive instructions are dependent on each other
- The pipeline stages share hardware resources
- All of the above
3. How many hosts can successfully send data simultaneously on Ethernet?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- unlimited
4. Let us say that a queue is implemented using stacks. What are the minimum numbers of stacks needed to represent it?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
5. What is Hyper Terminal in windows OS?
- A terminal having high bandwidth connections
- A software to connect to other computers outside using a modem
- A terminal with multiple applications
- None of the above
6. Electronic Transactions and Digital signature Act does not include the following:
- Cyber Crime
- IT Tribunal
- Payment Gateway
- All of the above
7. The function of the control unit is to
- Calculate arithmetic expressions of a formula
- Manage and coordinate the entire computer system
- Controls only the memory
- Controls only the input/output
8. Suppose that a certain software product has a mean time between failures of 10,000 hours and has a mean time to repair of 20 hours. If the product is used by 100 customers, what is its availability?
- 80%
- 90%
- 98%
- 99.8%
9. A certain manufacturer has opted for a demand paging strategy in the memory management subsystem. Which of the following statements is true?
- Using smaller page sizes will generally lead to lower internal fragmentation.
- Using smaller page sizes will generally lead to a smaller page table.
- Using smaller page sizes will generally lead to lower external fragmentation
- compared to first-in-first-out paging, most-recently-used paging will generally lead to lower external fragmentation
10. Which of the following requirements is a good reason why an organization might choose to used 100Base-T Fast Ethernet?
- Throughput rates in excess of 100 Mbps are required
- Cable segments are expected to exceed 500 meters.
- A bus protcol , is undesirable due to the possibility of packed sniffing
- The protocol must be supported by major vendors and compatible with many products