1. If the current trough a resistor circuit is halved, the wattage developed by it would be as
- halved
- quadrupled
- cut to one fourth
- doubled
2. Zener breakdown occurs
- mostly in Germanium process
- due to rapture of covalent bonds
- is lightly doped junction
- due to thermally generated minority carriers
3. The main use of an emitter follower is
- power amplifier
- impedence matching device
- low-input impedence circuit
- follower of base signal
4. The 2’s complement of 10002 is
- 0111
- 0101
- 1000
- 0001
5. A network that provides a constant Bandwidth for the complete duration of a message transfer is
- circuit switched network
- packet switched network
- cell switched network
- none of these
6. A file is downloaded to a home computer using a 56 kbps modem connected to an ISP. If the download completes in 2 minutes, estimate maximum size of download
- 5.60 Mbit
- 6.72 Mbit
- 7.68 Mbit
- 11.2 Mbit
7. Demodulation
- is performed at the transmitting station
- removes sidebands
- rectifies modulated signal
- is opposite of modulation
8. For a given carrier wave, the maximum undistorted power is transmitted when value of modulation is
- 1
- 0.8
- 0.5
- 0
9. Given a carrier frequency of 100 khz and modulating frequency of 5 khz, the bandwidth of AM transmission is ….. khz
- 5
- 200
- 10
- 20
10. In a FM, when freqency derivations doubled,
- modulation is doubled
- modulation is halved
- carrier swing is halved
- modulation index is decreased